Visual Exploration of Rheological Test Results from Soft Materials
First International Workshop on Visualization in Testing of Hardware, Software, and Manufacturing (TestVis'22)
Jonas Madsen Lasse Sode Julie Frost Dahl Milena Corredig Hans-Jörg SchulzAbstract
Rheological testing of soft materials aims to characterize them through a complex combination of elastic and viscous properties. Its fundamental idea is to apply a force and register the resulting deformation of the material. These tests have applications in a wide range of domains from adjusting oil drilling muds for different rock strata to developing fast-drying paints and quality control in food processing. Yet, visual-interactive means for the explorative analysis of the resulting data are scarce if they exist at all.
Hence, we present VAOS - an open-source visual analysis software for exploring the complex rheological properties of soft materials subjected to oscillatory tests. VAOS offers a specific focus on the visual analysis across multiple samples and test runs at once, which is currently not well supported by existing software. We showcase the utility of VAOS in a usage scenario and two expert interviews, effectively demonstrating the improved ability of scientists to swiftly obtain a rheological fingerprint of complex materials.
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@InProceedings{VAOS2022, author = {Madsen, Jonas and Sode, Lasse and Frost Dahl, Julie and Corredig, Milena and Schulz, Hans-J\"org}, booktitle = {Proc. of First International Workshop on Visualization in Testing of Hardware, Software, and Manufacturing}, title = {Visual Exploration of Rheological Test Results from Soft Materials}, year = {2022}, publisher = {IEEE} }